Sunday, December 7, 2008

Oroville Loop

This weekend was the REI Garage sale in Roseville. Basically, REI does not resell any of their returns, instead, once a quarter they open up and have a 'garage sale' where REI members can purchase the returned items at serious discounts. Ryan, Rocco and I headed down to meet up with Juice who was holding a good spot in line for us. We spent a couple hours there and I think everyone found a few good deals. I ended up with a Northface Gor-tex ski jacket, some Patagonia base layers and some Pearl Izumi leg warmers.

After the sale, Ryan, Rocco and I headed north from Roseville to Oroville to ride a winter time favorite of Rocco's. Oroville is located along the central valley but in a caynonesque area. The three forks of the Feather River come together and feed Lake Oroville, a large hydroelectric reservoir that boasts having the largest earth dam in the US. As geotechs, this was worth seeing.

The ride started down along the tail waters below the 750' dam. Essentially, the ride consists of a 7 mile climb to the dam along the north side of the tail waters, a ride across the dam, a 3 mile decent from the dam back to the tail waters, then a 5 or 6 mile ride along the south side of the tail waters to a rail road bridge that crosses the water and brings you back to the beginning.

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No pictures of this ride, though some great views were had. Ride details can be found here.

We returned Saturday night for a pretty uneventful evening. Today we are planing on doing the "Snow Dance" in hopes of getting some powder before Christmas. Snow Dance means waxing skis and tightening bindings.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Your snow dance might be working over in MO. Aren't you pumped to be coming back in a couple of weeks?