Friday, December 28, 2007


Well, for Christmas I was spoiled rotten once again. My folks did well getting me some new jeans, a new bike helmet, some clothing and books and a nice sleeping bag. Later Christmas day, my Mom's side of the fam came over and we had a "White Elephant" Christmas gift swap. I brought this little number to the event:

White Elephant xmas gift.

My uncles enjoy Stag beer and in order to make the gift worth more than 15 cents I turned it into a stag deer with 24 dollars.

I ended the evening with a fifth of Crown Royal and a some Crown glasses. Not bad! There were some other creative gifts as well and can be viewed in my pic archive.

Other than that, I Christmas was quite uneventful. Oh, except for getting thrown in the clink on Christmas Eve! Apparently its important to pay 5$ parking tickets.

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